Well, looks like the results for the previous exam have been out for a couple of weeks. The data shown was for only first time takers, and the passing rate was good, 80% of 2,890 first timers passed the test. It seems to be similar to California bar exam passing rates. Looking at published results, released by the Supreme Court of Florida, Florida International University and University of Florida graduates had the best passing rates, at 89.6% and 89.1% respectively. If you are currently attending Ave Maria School of Law, you might want to reconsider your law school choice: only 47.8% passed, which is rather dismal, although to be fair, their total number of exam takers was only 23. For out of state graduates (like me), the passing rate was 75%.
The results are only for first time bar exam takers. Traditionally, if you haven't passed the bar on your first try, your chances during the subsequent exams are much lower. Usually, the aggregate passing rate is about 70%, with a specially bad year in California being the 2004 exam with only a 56% passing rate. Hopefully when I take the bar exam this February, it won't be similar to the 2009 February exam, which saw whopping 30% year to year pass rates for University of Miami exam takers, 24% drop for UF graduates, and 20% drop for Florida State University alums. Looks like that year some of the essay questions were on topics that are not usually tested.
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